The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey is a beautiful film presented in the ugliest format imaginable. I'm talking about HFR, which means “High Frame Rate,” which means everything looks like it takes place on the set of a PS3-generated Spanish soap opera.
I'm not going to dwell on the format, here; so many negative things have been said about it, and so little has been said about the film itself, that it seems wrong to speak of it much further. But I can't not mention it because I don't believe a single minute went by where I wasn't utterly distracted by the camera, or the lighting, or the jarring disconnect between CGI and reality. Thankfully I saw the film two days later in good old 2D, 24 frames per second. As I suspected during my first viewing, this is a wonderful film marred mostly by the negative hype surrounding its length and format.
The Hobbit has a different tone than The Lord of the Rings trilogy, and you might not much like it. Tolkien fans know this going in, but general audiences, judging by the conversations I overheard leaving the theater, are likely to be surprised by the series' shift toward the lighthearted. It's a more whimsical story, with sillier characters, wordier wordplay, and slappier slapstick. It's also, as a result, a bit more warm and heartfelt than anything we've seen so far from Peter Jackson's Middle Earth. But you might not be coming for warmth and whimsy (the dude sitting next to me complained about the abundance of “cartoonish bull****.”). I was never of the opinion that Jackson's original trilogy was an unquestionable, flawless masterpiece (though I think it's very good) but one can't deny that the previous films contained a little something for everyone: fans of more lighthearted fantasy had the Hobbits to root for; fans of dudebro badassery had swashbuckling Aragorn; fans of attractive men also had swashbuckling Aragorn, and Orlando Bloom's abs, if that weren't enough. Here we have only one little Hobbit, thirteen pudgy Dwarves and a very old Wizard. Their battles are almost all comical and graceless, and the last one involves throwing pinecones. If you're coming for “cool” you're going to leave disappointed. But if you're coming for “A Delightful, Adventurous Romp!” or “Fun For the Whole Family!” you're going to have a grand old time.
I had a grand old time.
The film's greatest assets are its dedicated performances from Martin Freeman (Bilbo Baggins) and Ian McKellen (Gandalf), the former of whom is an immediately more likeable character than Frodo, probably because he has a wide range of emotion, is genuinely funny, and has a face that doesn't always look like this:
also have a great deal of Dwarves, who are not as fleshed-out as
characters, but are always entertaining. One night, the sheltered,
introverted Bilbo has his home unexpectedly bombarded by a group of
no less than thirteen Dwarves, who proceed to drink all his wine and
eat all his pastries and generally make a noisy, filthy mess of
things. Unbeknownst to Bilbo, Gandalf (who is always up to something)
has recruited Bilbo to accompany these thirteen Dwarves on an
adventure to The Lonely Mountain, which used to be the home of the
Dwarves, ages ago, before it was overtaken by the fearsome dragon
Smaug. There the adventurers will slay the dragon, reclaim the gold
he has stolen from the Dwarves of olden times, and make their leader,
Thorin, king of the mountain, or something. That the film is called
An Unexpected Journey
is telling, because it is certainly the journey that is the fun part
here, and not the destination.
And what a journey it is. The adventure proper starts off in appropriately ominous fashion, with all the Dwarves gathered around a fire, singing a grim, bellowed hymn about the trials they will soon face; and soon enough, with a stunning synthesis of practical effects, CGI and masterful set design, the fifteen adventurers (thirteen Dwarves plus Bilbo and Gandalf, for those keeping track) encounter a fantastical array of characters, monsters and set-pieces, culminating in one of the more thrilling finales in a blockbuster this year. By the time we reach the Rock Giants of the Misty Mountains and the Battle of Riddles with Gollum (Andy Serkis giving the best performance of his career) we've forgotten all about all those boring parts in between.
Ah, the boring parts. There are a few. The first at is the beginning of the film itself, which features an awkward bit of exposition that I frankly don't think was needed at all. We have one of those sweeping epic historical recaps that The Fellowship of the Ring started with, only this one narrated by Ian Holm, reprising his role as Bilbo. And then, after epic battles are recounted and the history of the Dwarves' plight is recapped, Bilbo ends with “And this, my dear Frodo, is where I come in...”
then the film lingers on a five minute scene where Bilbo actually
doesn't come into the story at all. Instead of just jumping into the
narrative we're forced to watch Iam Holm pretending to write There
and Back Again while Elija Wood
makes a distracting and unnecessary cameo as Frodo, and we're
supposed to be thrilled as the two talk about nothing and generally
waste five minutes of movie time before we really
get to the story. It's weird.
Now, fortunately, this introduction is short, and then we're off to the races. Unfortunately, the races take a pit stop in Rivendale just as soon as they get interesting, and that bit's not short at all. It's very long, actually, and most of it involves Gandalf sitting at a table talking with characters whose relevance to the film we don't understand about mythology and Tolkieny stuff that most people don't care about. It all comes at the worst possible time; just as the film has settled into a steady, adventurous pace, we arrive at Rivendale and everything comes to a dead halt for what feels like half an hour. Aside from the very beginning and end of it, almost the entire sequence could have been completely cut out, and the film would be better for it.
Now, fortunately, this introduction is short, and then we're off to the races. Unfortunately, the races take a pit stop in Rivendale just as soon as they get interesting, and that bit's not short at all. It's very long, actually, and most of it involves Gandalf sitting at a table talking with characters whose relevance to the film we don't understand about mythology and Tolkieny stuff that most people don't care about. It all comes at the worst possible time; just as the film has settled into a steady, adventurous pace, we arrive at Rivendale and everything comes to a dead halt for what feels like half an hour. Aside from the very beginning and end of it, almost the entire sequence could have been completely cut out, and the film would be better for it.
With these two scenes removed the film would be about half an hour shorter, and that would still leave it as being pretty long. Much has been made about the film's length, and I must admit, despite my aggravations in Rivendale, I didn't particularly notice or mind the length at all. But I'm also a really big fan of The Hobbit. It's a simple truth that not all audiences will be willing to put up with a three hour movie whose action sequences are more comical than suspenseful, but the one I saw it with last night laughed at every joke and seemed generally pretty thrilled by the experience. (of course there was that one guy who wrote it all off as “cartoonish bull****.” Can't win 'em all, I guess).
the oddest thing about An Unexpected Journey is that it currently has
a 65% on Rotten Tomatoes. It can't say I particularly understand it.
It has state-of-the art visuals, compelling performances, stunning
cinematography and several of the more compelling scenes in Jackson's
entire Tolkien series. It is a long film, to be sure, but not any
longer than the other Lord of the Rings films; it is an occasionally
digressive film, but not any more than King Kong. The truth is that
some people just aren't going to be on board with Jackson's Hobbit
trilogy, for the simple fact
that it is a trilogy.
I don't think it's a stretch to say that we're all a bit sick of
trilogies at this point. We're franchised-out. The thought of another
trilogy, even one by a considerable, Academy Award winning director,
is just a wearisome thought for most.
the original Lord of the Rings trilogy came at just the right time:
just when Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
had come out and disappointed nearly everyone over the age of
thirteen, Fellowship came
along and captured the adventurous spirit of the original Star Wars
in a way that Menace
utterly failed. It was the right film at the right time. The
Hobbit, unfortunately, is the
right film at the wrong time. It is a three-hour, action fantasy epic
in a movie-going world filled
with three-hour action fantasy epics; it is a new franchise in a
world filled with new
franchises. In the end, many will be turned off by the very idea of
yet to think like this is to apply cynicism to a completely uncynical
movie. Once again Jackson has captured the wide-eyed, optimistic
magic of the original Star Wars and applied his own personal stamp to
it; in areas where he could have simply rested on the majesty of the
set design and costume work and you know, New Zealand,
he enhances already beautiful shots by doing something unexpected
with the camera; he is able to apply what the original series taught
about fight choreography to quieter scenes, resulting in an amazing
scene early on where 13 Dwarves are rummaging around Bilbo's house in
13 different rooms, all doing 13 different things at 13 different
times, and Jackson captures it in a single shot. Yes, this is an
overblown franchise action flick, but that doesn't stop Jackson from
trying to make it the best
overblown franchise action flick.
There are a number of things that might turn you off about An
Unexpected Journey, chief among
them being the fact that it exists as the first part of a nine hour
trilogy. But separated from the Hollywood landscape, separated from
the darker tone of the original TLOTR trilogy, and separated from HFR
projection (for real: just see it in 24 fps) this is another
beautiful film in Jackson's Tolkien cannon, with all the things that
made The Lord of the Rings great,
and all of the things that made them flawed.
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